Monthly Archives: April 2021

Is There A Difference Between a Flashing Check Engine Light and a Steady Check Engine Light?

Is There A Difference Between a Flashing Check Engine Light and a Steady Check Engine Light?

Virtually every driver on the planet has experienced a steady check engine light going on for no obvious reason. In most cases, if the vehicle is still running with no apparent problem, most drivers ignore the light. There are, however, times when a check engine light is blinking and should not be ignored. Here is what either type of check engine light means. A Steady Light is a Warning A steady light means something is wrong or about to go wrong, but it is not a dire emergency. It could be something as simple as a sensor going bad, which normally is an inspection issue and nothing more. A Blinking Light is Bad In most cases, a check engine light will shine steadily, a serious reminder that something is amiss in your vehicle. If the light is blinking, however, your minor annoyance and concern just got elevated. If the check engine light is blinking, get to the nearest trustworthy mechanic you know. What a Blinking Light Means It could be overheating or an oil pressure issue. I ... read more