Posted on 2/18/2021

Many vehicle owners do not understand the magnitude of their daily driving habits and the pivotal impact on a car's longevity. A few of the most common driving habits that are damaging your car include: Aggressive Braking and Accelerating Stopping abruptly can be unavoidable in certain situations. Most of the time, aggressive braking behavior results from poor anticipation and attention to your surroundings. And abrupt acceleration is the product of an adrenaline rush. Both forceful braking and acceleration wear out the brake pads and rotors, thus significantly reducing your vehicle's working efficiency. Cold Starting Cold starts are when you start your vehicle after sitting inactive for some tie. When the engine starts after these events, the engine has difficulty lubricating the transmission. Repeated cold starting affects the life expectancy of your vehicle's engine. So, it is recommended that you allow the engine to warm up before d ... read more